i’ve been nominated too!
update: the winners have all been chosen. congratulations to all of them 🙂 me? i didn’t win. but so what? i still have my blog, and the 13 lovely people who faithfully voted for me will still come back to read me, right? right?
i am on the final list of nominations for the indibloggies award!!
of the other 110 blogs on the list, there are some i visit regularly already, and some more excellent blogs i had never seen before. in the five-and-a-half years of blogging now, and four design changes, i think it’s always great to be learning something new everyday.
and it feels even greater to be put in the best design category (my first, thanks to praveen for all the coding :-x), among all the other beautiful minds, and beautiful blogs. to the mystery people who first picked me for the award, thank you, thank you!
and now i’m happy to see i’ve reached so far (especially since i didn’t even know i was nominated, until last night), and i can’t help being greedy at this moment! in fact, indibloggies has made it easier by giving me a cool license for the same…

ps: you have to register on the page to vote. if you don’t have a website, simply leave the field blank, but do vote. and while you’re at it, why not visit some of the other blogs on the list and vote for them as well!
ammani said:
Good luck, Radhika. Have voted 🙂
Anonymous said:
I voted for you!! Good Luck!!
James Bright said:
I have voted for you too..
Good luck..!
shoefiend said:
you got my vote too! first time i’m leaving a comment here. lovely blog
ashok said:
hi Radhika,
U have a lovely blog…keep it up
Debashish said:
>>and the 13 lovely people who faithfully voted >>for me will still come back to read me, right?
Infact some poeple like me who didn’t would still like to come back 🙂
reshma said:
some people who would have liked to see Entelechy competing in more categories besides the ‘best designs’ one, too will keep coming back for more good reads. keep up the spirit Radhika!
Shuba said:
Hi Radz:)
Yeah… I loved to call u in this way cuz I’ve started getting a feeling that I know u very well…Rombha varusham pazhagina feeling:) U know wat…This is the first Blog I read and finished reading the whole thing in jus one GO…. even i’m not able to believe myself… It’s damn neat…. How is ur health? Hope u r feeling better now… Yennamo theriyala… manasuku kashtama iruku… I wud sincerely include u in my prayers and hope u r blessed with good health and happiness this 2006. Take care…
Praveenku convey my BIG HIIIIIIIIII……….
radhika said:
Hi radhika,
U write lovely blog. Its simple yet beautiful.
I love the meaning of the name Radhika u have mentioned on your website. Although in a way, its true that what lies in name, but still its a part of our identity. Till now I was relating my name just with radha, lover of krishna,
now i find more dimension added to it and i like it much more.
I tried but could not vote for u…website doesnt open. will try again later!!!
Keep writing….
radhika said:
i just checked my comments page after a long time and am i surprised!! all your comments have really touched me. reshma, debashish, shuba, radhika, ashok, shoefiend, james, ammani…thank you SO much all of you 🙂