October 28, 2000

may you succeed in your ventures…

dear amway distributors

true, network 21 helps you make a lot of friends.
but it tears apart your families, slowly.

funny, how you don’t even realise it.

Live relay: we’re being shot!

***this is the first time an event is being recorded live***

cnnindia is shooting us right now, for a feature they are working on, about zdnet india.

my back’s killing me (but i’m not wincing), its really hot (the ac’s are all switched off, add to that these bright lights) and mahesh and prachi are right in front of me.

i’m sitting in front of vivek’s pc, ‘pretending’ to work, while the lights and the thermacol reflectors are being adjusted.

update: its over 20 long minutes now… we’re still here.

flashback: my first exposure to video production and animation was four years ago, when i spent about three hours at crest communication in worli with yogi (yogesh katekar, ex-express computer), and watched the crest people edit the then famous epic-serial jai hanuman.

excited about the new world i’d seen, and eager to get into it someday, i promptly enrolled myself in 2d and 3d animation classes.
no, i could never complete that course.
four years, and an editing job at three different companies later, i havent forgotten.

someday, i’ll get my hands on that sony betacam, and into video editing.

October 27, 2000


qtn. how to get out of sticky situations

ans. use water.

you cannot go very wrong if you go with the flow

October 26, 2000

happy diwali, happy ‘new’ year

this year again, there were new dresses, sweets, firecrackers, noise, bright lights, smog and family get-togethers.
the usual.
but the real sparks flew between us in our family car…right through the 35-minute-drive from my granny’s place in dombivli to home, right through all the 26 years of my life.

all in the right time.
happy new year

October 19, 2000

shoppers shop

preeti bought a music system for herself.
mahesh got himself a dining-cum-work-table.
i got myself colours, lots of colours and a brush…and i had an egg-frankie.

the more happy i am, the happier i can be 🙂

October 17, 2000


so it is possible to update the site by 7:00 pm…

me’s surfing through everyday lives of my friends now…will get back to blogging soon 🙂

October 14, 2000

all said and all done
everybody around yet no one
now you’re back to square one…

but when you walk in the clouds again some day, dont forget to see the silver lining.


killed an article, and a cockroach!
and all i had to do was put my foot down.

October 10, 2000


i let a stupid operating system get on my nerves today.

and i’ve been snapping at my colleagues for NO reason (well, almost)!

sheesh, this is one side of me i never want to see again!

October 9, 2000

to whomsoever it may concern.

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