September 23, 2002

there could be nothing as

there could be nothing as drudging as cleaning up and doing the dishes at the end of a long hard day. and nothing as comforting as the smug certainty that you are going to wake up to a clean fresh kitchen in the morning.

September 17, 2002

it is one thing to

it is one thing to stay indoors and watch the rhythmic pitter-patter of the rain. to step outside and get soaked to your skin, is another. the experience of going for a live concert, was something like that.

September 16, 2002

i have been feeling mischievious

i have been feeling mischievious all day 😉 because i’m giving praveen a no-occasion surprise this evening. hee, it feels so good to be independant again 🙂

September 15, 2002

for some reason, our kind

for some reason, our kind neighbour’s cat seems to be potty-trained to relieve himself in our garden every morning!! GRRRR………

ramblings on a sunday morning

this is getting even more difficult than i had imagined it to be.

i’m happy to have my own space.
i’m happy i now have a job.
i’m happy i got seen on guardian uk.
i’m happy i got seen on rediff. thanks to anita 🙂
i’m happy i might soon get seen on ….. (shhh, i’m not revealing yet 😉

but i’m certainly not happy i’m not able to devote quality time to entelechy.

i have never put them on paper (or any web site, if you like), but i’m aware of the standards i have set for my journal. one of them includes a sincere attempt to not-regress into rambling…like i used to many (journal) entries ago.

i am going to set that rule aside. just for today, just like that.

September 13, 2002

my employer actually let me

my employer actually let me leave early today, just because “it’s been over two weeks and i just have to update my journal!” thanks mishti 🙂 hmm, now, where was i …?

September 8, 2002

the worst part about making

the worst part about making amla achaar is the part where you watch and wait for it to mature.

September 6, 2002

one who loves to write

one who loves to write a journal cannot afford to have a 90-minute travel-time to work 😐