June 6, 2017

My reading list for June 2017

Right. The viva is done, and two weeks in the past today. It didn’t go very well, enough said.

But I am here now not to pluck at my wounds. The viva is done, and I can now focus on my reading, which I’ve missed for quite a few years now. I’m also trying to get back to writing every day. It seems like my mind thinks this can be done only if I have a new story or idea to share. So this post is to make my mind believe that I am going to write everyday, story or not. Beginning today, this is my reading journal where I can write my thoughts about what I am reading. If I am not writing a story, that is. I hope that will happen, too, and soon.

When I say this is a reading journal, it means I will write what I think about a book: I will try to identify the ‘hidden’ stories or ideas/opinions that come to my mind when I’m reading something. This is a margin that I’ll scribble in, notes about the writers’ thoughts, the content itself, and what I am going to take away from it. I believe this will help make me less naive (what got me into trouble during my viva) about political ideas and gender politics that I seem to filter out when I’m reading a book, although, clearly, I know I must be having my own opinions too.

If you are reading this as well, feel free to add your thoughts in the comments section.

My reading list for June right now, from the books around me, is this:
The Good Immigrant, Anthology. Edited by Nikesh Shukla.
We should all be Feminists, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
Misogyny: The world’s oldest prejudice , by Jack Holland. Chapter in focus: Victorians’ Secrets, pg 167.

There are going to be more books; have reserved a copy of Arundhati Roy’s book from the library. Will add to the list when it arrives. My initial thoughts after reading an extract that appeared in the Guardian: looks like it has all the ingredients – Indian corruption, poverty, gender politics, and kashmir – perfect recipe for the next booker prize. I’m expecting it’ll not be as superficial as Adiga’s White Tiger though.

Watch this space 🙂