April 19, 2005

one day at a time

it’s difficult to put in words how i feel right now. with my email inbox full of updates by ex-colleagues — where they are and how well they’re doing — everybody busy, doing what they love to do…

i’m so very happy for them; today though, i’ll hold back my reply to them.

meanwhile, i’m learning to stick to a diet of fruits, vegetables and bitter medicines. i’m reading (ray bradbury), sleeping because i get tired very often (and it’s too hot!), waiting for the drawing books and learn-malayalam-series that my father has couriered from bombay, and another from praveen. it was humbling to request for a tv in the room because it sometimes gets too boring when i cannot get out; it was funny to learn we were on a long waiting list. i’m learning to use a cybercafe.

i’m learning to spend one day at a time, and not get frustrated over this forced-rest. and when i see the many other patients in my ward, some coming to terms with a recent accident and some learning to walk again, i am learning to count my blessings.


  • Sharmela said:

    Hi Rads,

    Good to know you are at Kottakal for the treatment. All the best. God bless.


  • anumita said:

    Hey, good to see you post again! All the best and I am sure you will walk out with a strong brand new back.
    Take care.

  • Arun said:

    Your explanation of your name was nice but I beleive the word radhika has more shades than just the one meaning you have mentioned
    cheers and goodluck with your treatment 🙂

  • Prasad said:

    Best wishes!

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