don’t take that road at night
late one evening
it was about 8pm (i think)
a girl, 15, walked
on a lonely road
she had disobeyed
a warning
don’t take that road at night.
it was a quicker route
and no one would know
she thought.
night-crickets chirped
the sound of her chappals
on the gravel and tar road
was interrupted
by a whirr…
a cycle
perhaps, she thought
and continued
through the shadows
more towards the right
the whirr came closer
was it someone she knew?
she grasped her books
to her stomach
still walking…
it was a cycle.
it came this close
and whirred past
the wind in her hair
a shiver down her spine
she should have listened
she regretted
that road
that never seemed to end.
then again
the whirr turned
a streetlight far away
glistened on a wheel
this close
the shiny spokes
not making her see
a quick hand
her young breasts
cycling away.
shot through her senses
sharp tears
and shame
even as she entered her house
she never reached home
that night.
miles away today
i wonder why
this long-forgotten
came to me
i just
am curious
i guess
if young girls
are still being warned
don’t take that road at night.
vineeth said:
vivid. almost tangible.
arent these interludes like storms in our otherwise placid lives, from our lives across dimensions far away.
Kate Allan said:
Very thought provoking.
Sai Ramachandran said:
nick cook said:
Hi Radhika,
excellent poem. You built up the suspense very well. And I really liked the way you said she reached the house but she never reached home.
Maybe last line could be: never take any road alone at night with the any and the alone emphasised.
Like your blog-web (the first I have ever ventured into!!)
Keep writing,
chandramohan said:
Hi Radhika,
A lovely poem penned with feeling.
Your writing has an elegant straight-from-the-heart style which is very appealing.
If you do get nostalgic about Kerala do visit Ratheesh’s site which has a similar direct appeal
Hope your back is better now.
Take care.
Sukanya M said:
Reading your poem was like as if I had taken that road myself….
Twin-Gemini said:
We can only wish that this is a poem or a figment of your imagination. This, still will be stark reality in many parts of India.
Anumita said:
Sending a chill down my spine… sounds so familiar too.
Excellent post!
The Inspiring said:
Hey Radhika,
Reached here from And am glad to reach here again..!
It was touching – will be a so insipid statement…
I just loved these lines… “Even she entered her house, she never reached home that night.”
Meet ya again…
vaibhav said:
Just checking.Will be back for more.
Read my kissay@
Sampada said:
Hi Radhika,
Was going through Google searches because I have nothing better to do, and came across the fact that you had studied under Shubhani Karnik. I am a big fan of the English Department at Kelkar (graduated from there myself in 2001) and was so nostalgic when I read some quotes of Karnik Ma’am’s that you had put up. Would like to talk to you sometime about the good old Kelkar days, it’s always nice to meet an alumni.
Good luck