ah! a toast to better breakfast
i hate white bread.
every morning and evening, we used to have bread and butter in the cafetaria to avoid indulging in other oil-rich snacks, except wada-pav of course.
slowly, we (mahesh and me) got rid of that routine. we are ready for office by 8:30 am (well, mostly) and then he comes over so we can have a huge steaming cup of horlicks and brown bread for breakfast. i have nothing against brown (wheat) bread, i was told its also very nutritious.
but again, i could see that just bread and butter can become part of routine very soon. and since i don’t have a refrigerator, i cannot even think of buying perishable items. the sting-y red ants in my house don’t make it any easier, or i’d love to get nutella, the chocolate spread (is that what’s its called?).
so yesterday, i invested in a non-stick tava, and this morning, we had a hearty, yummy breakfast of golden-toasts, and horlicks 🙂