May 2, 2003

praveen’s just fixed the archive

praveen‘s just fixed the archive problem in my blogger account. so this is a test entry.

April 3, 2003

i can now call myself

i can now call myself a ‘freelancer’, finally. methinx working from home is quite cool.

March 30, 2003

when it comes to my

when it comes to my home, its almost spooky how similar events seem to re-occur around the same dates. feb 14 was when i moved into a new house, twice, in 24 months. two years ago on march 30 i was clearing my room to accommodate a new roommate, like i’m doing today!

March 20, 2003

somewhere in iraq a war

somewhere in iraq a war is beginning to rage, somewhere in india, a war on the (corrupt) media has been launched…what next? i wait and watch.

March 17, 2003

praveen and i have been

praveen and i have been dabbling in the movable type content management system. umm, seems quite friendly…check out his new design and let us know what you think 🙂

March 16, 2003

it’s been ages since we

it’s been ages since we crossed paths, almost…still when i listen to this song it brings the same lump to my throat. happy birthday, little one. i hope to see you, some day 😡

March 13, 2003

just heard about the mulund

just heard about the mulund bomb blast. i HATE it when these things happen so close to my hometown and i’m so far away. and when the authorities say they had “expected attacks in view of the tenth anniversary….” why didn’t they do anything about it then!??? i’m afraid, very afraid for every one i know back home 🙁

yeeaaargh! i did it, myself! fooled around with my archives section in blogger and got it to work at last! mmm, let me just double-check…

February 27, 2003

my mini kitchen garden is

my mini kitchen garden is showing signs of life at last…this time it’s coriander, tomato and onions, and soon spinach, beans and nimbus…the gardener in me is slowly gearing up for spring!

January 30, 2003

it snowed! it snowed! soft

it snowed! it snowed! soft cotton snowflakes on my hair and shoulders and my tongue…and it wasn’t even cold! and now, the sun is shining through, as though nothing ever happened 🙁

January 17, 2003

this is a sincere apology

this is a sincere apology to all those in india i could not meet, or even call. three weeks went by like a crazy dream…. right now i’m even scouring for memories, if any, that in my hurry i seem to have left behind.

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