a new beginning
my first post in a long time, albeit ammani-esqe…
She irons her old shirt and pyjamas, a habit she has almost forgotten. She has been having quick showers lately, praying that her infant son doesnt wake up howling for milk. Tying up her hair in a hurried knot, she glances at the mirror, at the months of neglect that stare back at her. Ugly, undone eyebrows, the million blackheads, that always tired face. Behind her, the infant kicks the air excited. His mother has that fresh smell again. When she turns, he gives her a high-pitched happy cackle that is so precious these days. Mummeee! I love you just the way you are! say his eyes, brimming with life. She thanks him with a warm cuddle and a kiss, the new love causing a lump in her throat. Putting him down again, she then reaches out for her moisturiser.
mumbaigirl said:
congratulations! look forward to more tales of the new arrival and his mother, quick or otherwise.
reshma said:
devesh said:
heartiest congratulations to both yourself and praveen 🙂
guruprasad said:
congrats…to you, Praveen and the little one from me, my wife (Nisha alsias Subhashree), Sriram….
welcome back.
my wife also delivered a baby girl in December…she was too excited to read your prev post…and would be so to read this too..guess the feelings are mutual among the moms.
take care
sanjeev said:
wheeeee 🙂
been waiting to see Athri online, and finally … I saw him. Radu’s big eyes and Praveen’s bhola chehra 🙂
Wish all three of you the absolute best in all the world
Saakshi, Nimmi and Sanjeev
bijoy said:
Nice post, its a really cool blog that you have here, keep up the good work, will be back.