January 26, 2001

why should there be a lesser god?

minutes after the commotion of the 30-second quake died down, i could hear another one brewing up. i looked out of the window, and saw hundreds of little kids with flags in their hands, rushing towards the elders, who were distributing more flags and toffees.

the safal youngsters fixed the loudspeakers, and soon the society was blaring lata mangeshkar all around. it was fun to see so much of activity from such a height (i live on the third floor), and i watched as the secretary of the building hoisted the national flag, with jana gana mana playing in the background.

i wished i had my camera then…to shoot the colourful ants scampering about. as i scanned the compound smiling at how little it took to make children happy, my heart went all out to a plump little fellow standing sad and all alone near the swing.

it wasnt difficult to see why he was looking at the other kids so dejectedly, when i noticed him move, one step at a time. i forgot all about the other kids, the din they were creating and the camera, as i watched a young couple rush towards the kid, prompting him to get on the swing.


i remember someone telling me years ago, that there are children who belong to a lesser god. going by that logic (and assuming there is a god), there must be a greater god…

where else would parents find their strength, love and patience to bring up such a child?

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