if ed can do it, anybody can…
some days ago, shvetank told me a story about ed. i thought it was a very nice gesture on his part…besides, it was the first time my boss ever ‘talked’ to me. but though i understood what he was trying to suggest, i wondered if it would ever be possible for me to leave office on time.
after all, i handle the home page at zdnetindia, and when i leave entirely depends on when my colleagues let me go. (i have to wait until they give me whatever is required for the day…articles, images etc.)
but i learnt from the ed shvetank told me about, and by deciding to take up the acupuncture treatment, i made the right move.
i leave office by 5:00 every evening, because i have to reach my clinic at dombivili before 6:30 pm. now, if any of my colleagues have to submit articles or images for the home page update (i even got that changed to the morning), it has to be in my inbox before i leave for the day. there still are a few who might never improve and give it on time, but the whole exercise made me realise one surprising fact.
from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm, i do the same amount of work that used to keep me busy till 9:30 pm all these days!
thanks for the story shvetank! now to just tweak my new schedule a little, and i’ll soon be able to get back to painting, reading, blogging (regularly) and who knows, even write articles for zdnet india!