June 18, 2000


going home now. lot of washing to do…

wish raj was online so i could talk with him. wonder what he’s up to, been quite a while since we last chatted.

boo hoo!!

violin class just got postponed to tomorrow :-((

but hey, now i’ll have time to paint, and read before satya and sharmela turn up!

tch, tch, incorrigible, thats what i am 😉

audition ke pehle, audition ke baad

i thought i’d never be able to make friends here…no, i thought i did not want to make any. but now that most ppl are quitting this office, we’re all getting to know each other better, and hey! i’ve no regrets at all!

satya and me for example, share many common interests…adventure!! and she’s impulsive like me too!

she likes to sing (yep i like doing that too, but not all might enjoy me singing!) and she’s good at it. we saw a poster at maxmeuller bhavan here (oh, we’d gone there to have lunch-farewell treat to sharmela-satya, eby and i, and sharmela of course. tried german cuisine! dont ask me to name the dishes!!)

the poster asked for choir-singers, and our friend satya said “hey, i wanna check this out!!”
only, this was at a god-forsaken place called lingarajpuram. i hadnt really planned to go, but then i said why not! lets check it out!! and i said i’d take the audition test too! after all, i’d nothing to lose 😉

i’m so glad i accompanied her…its a beautiful place, that is, once you get beyond the narrow roads and crowded streets and all …we liked an old unoccupied house there, and decided to buy it pronto! we also liked a rusty ford van parked there for god knows how many eons ago, and decided to buy that too!

dreaming is not a crime is it! you can buy all that you dream of!!

but the lady who satya spoke to left the place already 🙁 we took over 30 mins to locate the place, and the auto guy took rs 55 from us)

when we hit the main road again, we saw this kelawallah standing there, and we were so famished! had a banana on the road (!!!) itself, unlike how decent girls are supposed to behave 😮 and we laughed a lot at ourselves!

took the pottery town route on the way back. and stopped to pick some pots! gotta paint all of them today, or at least a few.

then we went to this cartman animal and envt centre near my house…they’d lots of animals there-dogs (pets and stray dogs), ducks, donkeys etc. there was this pup who just refused to let me go!!! my desire to own a dog has only become stronger now!
cartmen centre also had a elementary school and nursery, for kids who live in slums. nice thought. nice people too. i conversed with them in tamil.

will be leaving for violin class now. satya and sharmela said they’ll come home this afternoon.
waaaaaaaaghhhhhh!! but i wanna paint and read today!!

mother’s day…

now i know what being a mother feels like…a worrywart!!!

deepu and prachi’s friends (3 of them) have also landed here in bng. and i thought *i* would have trouble sparing time to be with them!!!
the house has become so noisy now, i hate to go home!!! tch tch, looks like i’ve gotten used to too much of silence around me. and space.

one of her friends came over at 10:30 in the night! worse, he stayed till abt 2 am! yesterday 2 others joined the group and they all went to a pub!!!

hey that’s not fair!! even *i* havent been to a pub yet!! and i’m supposed to be four years elder to her! told her to be home before 10:00. decent time i think, that too in bng!! but was worried till they showed up finally at 11:30pm!

today they’ve all gone to mysore, in a car!!! and one of the guys is driving 😮

man! i can feel an ulcer in my stomach already!! wonder how our mothers can keep up with this right from when our life-clock starts ticking (that reminds me-got to buy cells for my alarmwatch). i guess, the trick, is to just let go… and to realise that all of us are mere life-channels here.


this lemon-tea tastes really good, and the tea-cake from javacity is yummm.
had ginger-lemon-tea at 2 in the night too, with an orange-brandy tea cake!! living alone has its own fringe benefits i must say!

dreams unlimited!

…of getting a dog (a boxer perhaps, or a huge bull dog 🙂 if marriage is all abt companionship, i’d love to adopt a dog!! amma, hope u never get to read this 😮

…of buying a house in bangalore, maybe lingarajpuram, where satya and i went y’day for the audition (more on this later). we also saw an ancient ford that we liked very much. could use that to buy groceries in town once a week 😉
horamavu is not a bad place either!

…of buying whatever book i wish to buy, without ever having to look or bother abt the pricetag!

June 15, 2000

‘horrorscopes’ and all that…

accompanied saty and sharmela to the astrologer, pandurang shetty, also happens to be my distant-relative.

June 12, 2000

um… now, where was i?

have been having a nice time, nothing very eventful though.
went to eby’s house y’day and really really had a nice time. satya and me literally dragged a sleeping goonk (thats nitin) to eby place at horamavu – it was 3 pm by the time we reached. eby’s got a new doggy called teddy, a german shepherd…really big guy that! and kept licking me all over 🙂
i enjoyed it though, and even walked, and ran, the dog later…its a little funny though, teddy’s been pampered so much by his previous owner that he does not bark at strangers. not even, at other dogs when they were growling at him!
teddy limped a little too, but ebs had him for just 4 days and dint know what the problem was – said teddy doesnt like it when u try to check his paws.
i think teddy was just lonely; three hrs of petting and pampering later, he finally offered the ‘shake-hand’!! i discovered that his nails were growing awkwardly, and that was the problem!!! poor teddy!
eby did get convinced i was right when he took teddy to the vet this morning. that will teach people to take me a little seriously now! not that eby doesnt, although he never shows it anytime. else he wouldnt have bought me those books – have yet to read them.
me’s currently observing a slight resistance when i so want to read the bible…its very interesting, stories and all. i’ll start soon!

okie, gotta rush now! sharmela, satya and me are going window-shopping, and to have ‘fun’!

June 9, 2000

on naivity…

sharmela laughed for at least 12 minutes when i told her of my plans to tell vijay. says i’m too naive for this world…
i dont understand, why cant all of us just be true to each other and live peacefully???
who are we hiding things from, dont all of us belong to the earth?

cant think of a subject line.

still wondering how i should walk out of this office. will it help if i tell vijay?

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