gasp! pant, pant!
phew!! have been running around the entire day! and for no apparent reason 😮
got a call from anupama of the-practise, the pr agency. she wanted to check if i knew any journalist friends/writers who can freelance for them – write, compile articles and information for their (tech) clients.
she did ask me too, and of course i agreed. a little extra money can go a really loooong way ;-)but well, me’s still waiting for her e-mail!
satya, sharmela, eby and me were to go to the alliance francaise today, where they had this world music convention. jazz, fusion and all that stuff. too bad all of us got busy one way or the other and couldnt make it 🙁
funny, how we cannot spare a single evening for something that takes place just once a year!
i was introduced to gaurav today (note the ‘a’ in the gaurav), iitian from powai studying web design…
aaaaargh!!!! its nine already!!! god!! gotta buy tickets for the movie too!! we’re watching ‘the story of us’ tonight!! its got bruce willis 🙂